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COR Auditing

If you don't have time to do your COR audit, call us and we can take that off your hands. COR auditing requires putting together documentation, interviewing and finalizing all the information gathered to provide your company with a Pass / Fail score.

Building your COR Program

Whether you are a new construction company or a company that is established, we can help build your COR program. COR helps with establishing and obtaining bigger projects with the General Contractors of Winnipeg. COR and WCB helps with providing credits back to you, if you maintain a good status.

Forms / Inspections

If you need help with making form or having inspection done on your company or the sites you are on, let us know and we can come do it for you. This way, you will get an honest opinion and feedback on what is happening on your sites and with your guys.

Ladder Inspections

We are now offering ladder inspections as part of another service to provide to our clientele. If you need some ladders inspected, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Fall Protection Inspections

We are now offering another service to help you with your fall protection needs.we will be offering harness, lanyard and other pieces of fall protection for review and inspection for a low cost service to you. 

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